The remaining types specified in `@parcel/types`

The most important data types are listed on the page of the relevant plugin type.

AST parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:18

Plugin-specific AST, any

type AST = _AST;
Referenced by:
BaseAsset, BundleResult, MutableAsset, Transformer, TransformerResult

ConfigResult parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:19

type ConfigResult = _ConfigResult;
Referenced by:

ConfigResultWithFilePath parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:21

Plugin-specific config result, any

type ConfigResultWithFilePath<T> = {|
  contents: T,
  filePath: FilePath,
Referenced by:

EnvMap parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:26


type EnvMap = typeof process.env;
Referenced by:
InitialParcelOptions, PluginOptions

JSONValue parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:28

type JSONValue = null | void | boolean | number | string | Array<JSONValue> | JSONObject;

JSONObject parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:38

A JSON object (as in "map")

type JSONObject = {
Referenced by:
JSONValue, Meta, ResolveResult

Semver parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:43

type Semver = string;
Referenced by:
ASTGenerator, PackageJSON

SemverRange parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:44

type SemverRange = string;
Referenced by:
DevDepOptions, Engines

GlobMap parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:49

A pipeline as specified in the config mapping to T

type GlobMap<T> = {

RawParcelConfigPipeline parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:51

type RawParcelConfigPipeline = Array<PackageName>;
Referenced by:

HMROptions parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:53

type HMROptions = {
  port?: number,
  host?: string,
Referenced by:
InitialParcelOptions, PluginOptions

RawParcelConfig parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:56

The format of .parcelrc

type RawParcelConfig = {|
  extends?: PackageName | FilePath | Array<PackageName | FilePath>,
  resolvers?: RawParcelConfigPipeline,
  transformers?: {
    [Glob]: RawParcelConfigPipeline,
  bundler?: PackageName,
  namers?: RawParcelConfigPipeline,
  runtimes?: RawParcelConfigPipeline,
  packagers?: {
    [Glob]: PackageName,
  optimizers?: {
    [Glob]: RawParcelConfigPipeline,
  compressors?: {
    [Glob]: RawParcelConfigPipeline,
  reporters?: RawParcelConfigPipeline,
  validators?: {
    [Glob]: RawParcelConfigPipeline,
Referenced by:

ResolvedParcelConfigFile parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:71

A .parcelrc where all package names are resolved

type ResolvedParcelConfigFile = {|
  +filePath: FilePath,
  +resolveFrom?: FilePath,

Engines parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:78

Corresponds to pkg#engines

type Engines = {
  +browsers?: string | Array<string>,
  +electron?: SemverRange,
  +node?: SemverRange,
  +parcel?: SemverRange,
Referenced by:
Environment, EnvironmentOptions, InitialParcelOptions, PackageJSON, PackageTargetDescriptor

TargetSourceMapOptions parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:87

Corresponds to pkg#targets.*.sourceMap

type TargetSourceMapOptions = {|
  +sourceRoot?: string,
  +inline?: boolean,
  +inlineSources?: boolean,
Referenced by:
Environment, EnvironmentOptions, PackageTargetDescriptor

Target parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:96

A parsed version of PackageTargetDescriptor

interface Target {
  +distEntry: ?FilePath,

The output filename of the entry

  +distDir: FilePath,

The output folder

  +env: Environment,
  +name: string,
  +publicUrl: string,
  +loc: ?SourceLocation,

The location that created this Target, e.g. package.json#main

Referenced by:
Bundle, BundleGraph, BundleGroup, CreateBundleOpts, Dependency, MutableBundleGraph, PackageTargetDescriptor

EnvironmentContext parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:109

In which environment the output should run (influces e.g. bundle loaders)

type EnvironmentContext = 'browser' | 'web-worker' | 'service-worker' | 'worklet' | 'node' | 'electron-main' | 'electron-renderer';
Referenced by:
Environment, EnvironmentOptions, PackageTargetDescriptor

OutputFormat parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:119

The JS module format for the bundle output

type OutputFormat = 'esmodule' | 'commonjs' | 'global';
Referenced by:
Environment, EnvironmentOptions, InitialParcelOptions, PackageTargetDescriptor

PackageTargetDescriptor parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:126

The format of pkg#targets.*
See Environment and Target.

type PackageTargetDescriptor = {|
  +context?: EnvironmentContext,
  +engines?: Engines,
  +includeNodeModules?: boolean | Array<PackageName> | {
    [PackageName]: boolean,
  +outputFormat?: OutputFormat,
  +publicUrl?: string,
  +distDir?: FilePath,
  +sourceMap?: boolean | TargetSourceMapOptions,
  +isLibrary?: boolean,
  +optimize?: boolean,
  +scopeHoist?: boolean,
  +source?: FilePath | Array<FilePath>,
Referenced by:
PackageJSON, Target, TargetDescriptor

TargetDescriptor parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:148

The target format when using the JS API.
(Same as PackageTargetDescriptor, but distDir is required.)

type TargetDescriptor = {|
  +distDir: FilePath,
  +distEntry?: FilePath,
Referenced by:

SourceType parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:154

type SourceType = 'script' | 'module';
Referenced by:
Environment, EnvironmentOptions

EnvironmentOptions parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:159

This is used when creating an Environment (see that).

type EnvironmentOptions = {|
  +context?: EnvironmentContext,
  +engines?: Engines,
  +includeNodeModules?: boolean | Array<PackageName> | {
    [PackageName]: boolean,
  +outputFormat?: OutputFormat,
  +sourceType?: SourceType,
  +isLibrary?: boolean,
  +shouldOptimize?: boolean,
  +shouldScopeHoist?: boolean,
  +sourceMap?: ?TargetSourceMapOptions,
  +loc?: ?SourceLocation,
Referenced by:
DependencyOptions, MutableAsset, RuntimeAsset, TransformerResult

VersionMap parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:187

A resolved browserslist, e.g.:

  edge: '76',
  firefox: '67',
  chrome: '63',
  safari: '11.1',
  opera: '50',
type VersionMap = {
Referenced by:

EnvironmentFeature parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:192

type EnvironmentFeature = 'esmodules' | 'dynamic-import' | 'worker-module' | 'service-worker-module' | 'import-meta-url' | 'arrow-functions';
Referenced by:

Environment parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:203

Defines the environment in for the output bundle

interface Environment {
  +id: string,
  +context: EnvironmentContext,
  +engines: Engines,
  +includeNodeModules: boolean | Array<PackageName> | {
    [PackageName]: boolean,

Whether to include all/none packages (true / false), an array of package names to include, or an object (of a package is not specified, it's included).

  +outputFormat: OutputFormat,
  +sourceType: SourceType,
  +isLibrary: boolean,

Whether this is a library build (e.g. less loaders)

  +shouldOptimize: boolean,

Whether the output should be minified.

  +shouldScopeHoist: boolean,

Whether scope hoisting is enabled.

  +sourceMap: ?TargetSourceMapOptions,
  +loc: ?SourceLocation,
  isBrowser(): boolean,

Whether context specifies a browser context.

  isNode(): boolean,

Whether context specifies a node context.

  isElectron(): boolean,

Whether context specifies an electron context.

  isWorker(): boolean,

Whether context specifies a worker context.

  isWorklet(): boolean,

Whether context specifies a worklet context.

  isIsolated(): boolean,

Whether context specifies an isolated context (can't access other loaded ancestor bundles).

  matchesEngines(minVersions: VersionMap, defaultValue?: boolean): boolean,
  supports(feature: EnvironmentFeature, defaultValue?: boolean): boolean,
Referenced by:
BaseAsset, Bundle, Config, CreateBundleOpts, Dependency, EnvironmentOptions, PackageTargetDescriptor, Target

PackageDependencies parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:245

Format of pkg#dependencies, pkg#devDependencies, pkg#peerDependencies

type PackageDependencies = {|
Referenced by:

PackageJSON parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:252

Format of package.json

type PackageJSON = {
  name: PackageName,
  version: Semver,
  type?: 'module',
  main?: FilePath,
  module?: FilePath,
  types?: FilePath,
  browser?: FilePath | {
    [FilePath]: FilePath | boolean,
  source?: FilePath | Array<FilePath>,
  alias?: {
    [PackageName | FilePath | Glob]: PackageName | FilePath,
  browserslist?: Array<string> | {
    [string]: Array<string>
  engines?: Engines,
  targets?: {
    [string]: PackageTargetDescriptor,
  dependencies?: PackageDependencies,
  devDependencies?: PackageDependencies,
  peerDependencies?: PackageDependencies,
  sideEffects?: boolean | FilePath | Array<FilePath>,
  bin?: string | {|
    [string]: FilePath
Referenced by:

LogLevel parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:273

type LogLevel = 'none' | 'error' | 'warn' | 'info' | 'verbose';
Referenced by:
InitialParcelOptions, PluginOptions

BuildMode parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:274

type BuildMode = 'development' | 'production' | string;
Referenced by:
InitialParcelOptions, PluginOptions

DetailedReportOptions parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:275

type DetailedReportOptions = {|
  assetsPerBundle?: number,
Referenced by:
InitialParcelOptions, PluginOptions

InitialParcelOptions parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:279

type InitialParcelOptions = {|
  +entries?: FilePath | Array<FilePath>,
  +config?: DependencySpecifier,
  +defaultConfig?: DependencySpecifier,
  +env?: EnvMap,
  +targets?: ?(Array<string> | {
    +[string]: TargetDescriptor,
  +shouldDisableCache?: boolean,
  +cacheDir?: FilePath,
  +mode?: BuildMode,
  +hmrOptions?: ?HMROptions,
  +shouldContentHash?: boolean,
  +serveOptions?: InitialServerOptions | false,
  +shouldAutoInstall?: boolean,
  +logLevel?: LogLevel,
  +shouldProfile?: boolean,
  +shouldPatchConsole?: boolean,
  +shouldBuildLazily?: boolean,
  +inputFS?: FileSystem,
  +outputFS?: FileSystem,
  +cache?: Cache,
  +workerFarm?: WorkerFarm,
  +packageManager?: PackageManager,
  +detailedReport?: ?DetailedReportOptions,
  +defaultTargetOptions?: {|
    +shouldOptimize?: boolean,
    +shouldScopeHoist?: boolean,
    +sourceMaps?: boolean,
    +publicUrl?: string,
    +distDir?: FilePath,
    +engines?: Engines,
    +outputFormat?: OutputFormat,
    +isLibrary?: boolean,
  +additionalReporters?: Array<{|
    packageName: DependencySpecifier,
    resolveFrom: FilePath,

InitialServerOptions parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:325

type InitialServerOptions = {|
  +publicUrl?: string,
  +host?: string,
  +port: number,
  +https?: HTTPSOptions | boolean,
Referenced by:

PluginOptions parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:332

interface PluginOptions {
  +mode: BuildMode,
  +env: EnvMap,
  +hmrOptions: ?HMROptions,
  +serveOptions: ServerOptions | false,
  +shouldBuildLazily: boolean,
  +shouldAutoInstall: boolean,
  +logLevel: LogLevel,
  +projectRoot: FilePath,
  +cacheDir: FilePath,
  +inputFS: FileSystem,
  +outputFS: FileSystem,
  +packageManager: PackageManager,
  +instanceId: string,
  +detailedReport: ?DetailedReportOptions,
Referenced by:
Bundler, Compressor, DedicatedThreadValidator, MultiThreadValidator, Namer, Optimizer, Packager, Reporter, Resolver, Runtime, Transformer

ServerOptions parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:349

type ServerOptions = {|
  +distDir: FilePath,
  +host?: string,
  +port: number,
  +https?: HTTPSOptions | boolean,
  +publicUrl?: string,
Referenced by:

HTTPSOptions parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:357

type HTTPSOptions = {|
  +cert: FilePath,
  +key: FilePath,
Referenced by:
InitialServerOptions, ServerOptions

SourceLocation parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:365

Source locations are 1-based, meaning lines and columns start at 1

type SourceLocation = {|
  +filePath: string,
  +start: {|
    +line: number,
    +column: number,


  +end: {|
    +line: number,
    +column: number,


Referenced by:
AssetSymbols, Dependency, DependencyOptions, Environment, EnvironmentOptions, MutableAssetSymbols, MutableDependencySymbols, SymbolResolution, Target, TransformerResult

AssetSymbols parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:392

A map of export names to the corresponding asset's local variable names.

interface AssetSymbols extends Iterable<[Symbol, {|
  local: Symbol,
  loc: ?SourceLocation,
  meta?: ?Meta,
|}]> {
  +isCleared: boolean,

The exports of the asset are unknown, rather than just empty. This is the default state.

  get(exportSymbol: Symbol): ?{|
    local: Symbol,
    loc: ?SourceLocation,
    meta?: ?Meta,
  hasExportSymbol(exportSymbol: Symbol): boolean,
  hasLocalSymbol(local: Symbol): boolean,
  exportSymbols(): Iterable<Symbol>,
Referenced by:
BaseAsset, MutableAssetSymbols

MutableAssetSymbols parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:409

interface MutableAssetSymbols extends AssetSymbols {
  ensure(): void,

Initilizes the map, sets isCleared to false.

  set(exportSymbol: Symbol, local: Symbol, loc: ?SourceLocation, meta?: ?Meta): void,
  delete(exportSymbol: Symbol): void,
Referenced by:

MutableDependencySymbols parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:426

isWeak means: the symbol is not used by the parent asset itself and is merely reexported

interface MutableDependencySymbols extends Iterable<[Symbol, {|
  local: Symbol,
  loc: ?SourceLocation,
  isWeak: boolean,
  meta?: ?Meta,
|}]> {
  ensure(): void,

Initilizes the map, sets isCleared to false.

  +isCleared: boolean,

The symbols taht are imports are unknown, rather than just empty. This is the default state.

  get(exportSymbol: Symbol): ?{|
    local: Symbol,
    loc: ?SourceLocation,
    isWeak: boolean,
    meta?: ?Meta,
  hasExportSymbol(exportSymbol: Symbol): boolean,
  hasLocalSymbol(local: Symbol): boolean,
  exportSymbols(): Iterable<Symbol>,
  set(exportSymbol: Symbol, local: Symbol, loc: ?SourceLocation, isWeak: ?boolean): void,
  delete(exportSymbol: Symbol): void,
Referenced by:

DependencyPriority parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:457

type DependencyPriority = 'sync' | 'parallel' | 'lazy';
Referenced by:
Dependency, DependencyOptions, ResolveResult

SpecifierType parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:458

type SpecifierType = 'commonjs' | 'esm' | 'url' | 'custom';
Referenced by:
Dependency, DependencyOptions

File parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:601

type File = {|
  +filePath: FilePath,
  +hash?: string,

DevDepOptions parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:760

type DevDepOptions = {|
  specifier: DependencySpecifier,
  resolveFrom: FilePath,
  range?: ?SemverRange,
  additionalInvalidations?: Array<{|
    specifier: DependencySpecifier,
    resolveFrom: FilePath,
    range?: ?SemverRange,

When this dev dependency is invalidated, also invalidate these dependencies. This is useful if the parcel plugin or another parent dependency has its own cache for this dev dependency other than Node's require cache.

Referenced by:

Stats parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:842

type Stats = {|
  time: number,
  size: number,
Referenced by:
Asset, PackagedBundle

Blob parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:855

type Blob = string | Buffer | Readable;
Referenced by:
BundleResult, GenerateOutput, Optimizer, Packager, TransformerResult

PackagedBundle parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:1264

interface PackagedBundle extends NamedBundle {
  +filePath: FilePath,

The absolute file path of the written bundle, including the final content hash if any.

  +stats: Stats,

Statistics about the bundle.

Referenced by:

GlobInvalidation parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:1433

type GlobInvalidation = {|
  glob: Glob,
Referenced by:

FileInvalidation parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:1437

type FileInvalidation = {|
  filePath: FilePath,
Referenced by:

FileAboveInvalidation parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:1441

type FileAboveInvalidation = {|
  fileName: string,
  aboveFilePath: FilePath,
Referenced by:

ErrorWithCode parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:1803

interface ErrorWithCode extends Error {
  +code?: string,

IDisposable parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:1807

interface IDisposable {
  dispose(): mixed,

AsyncSubscription parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:1811

type AsyncSubscription = {|
  unsubscribe(): Promise<mixed>,